I’ve often heard the sentence, “I would give anything to spend one more day with them,” and this started me thinking, “What if that were possible?” That was the impetus for what would become my speculative fiction story, “A Moments Lasts Forever.” This story has ended up being more experimental in that I have tried to convey the way time seems to pass in a dream, the way transitions between events are abrupt but have a sort of internal logic to them so that we never question what is happening until we wake up. I think, because of this, this story had a little trouble finding just the right place to rest. When I first read about Twist in Time Literary Magazine, I thought that “A Moment Lasts Forever” might be a good fit for them, and I’m very happy that they agreed. Please enjoy reading my story and the other wonderful pieces in the issue, and please let me know if you think the experiment was a success.